I love to travel, and when it’s time to leave for vacation, I’m always ready to go. Road trips, flights, ferries…sign me up! But no matter how wonderful the vacation
Life goes so quickly. The experiences flash by, in a never-ending flood. I’m amazed that my children are adults, that I’ve been an empty-nester for a decade, that I find
One of my favorite quotes is from Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. The days are long, but the years are short. Those words conjure memories of marathon days
There are so many things to plan in life! From the moment of birth, people are planning things for us. A few short years later, we begin to plan for
Focus. It seems in short supply these days. So many people are diagnosed with attention disorders. We endure the constant interruptions of phone and texts, breaking alerts, fast paced days