Today is a happy day. This is our 32nd anniversary. Not a particularly noteworthy number; but though the number itself isn’t special, this year had its own markers that make it unique in our shared history.
The past year took us through big events: Jack’s birth, Alex’s divorce and move, our nephew’s wedding; trips with family, trips to family, family coming to us. We’ve cycled through months of work and weeks of RV time; we celebrated holidays and slug days, weathered stress and counted joys. As we continue to redefine this time in our lives…empty nest, part-time workers, full-time adventurers, finding our joint and separate passions, I learn all over again. The lessons of life, always the same, but presented with new context each time, can be summed up in a few words:
True love isn’t found. It’s built.
Think the best of each other, especially of those you say you love. Assume the good and doubt the bad. ~ Jeffrey R. Holland
Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys. ~ Rita Schiano
Pride is concerned with who is right; humility is concerned with what is right. ~ Ezra T. Benson
There isn’t enough room in your mind for both worry and faith. You must decide which one will live there.
Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.
Our fairy tale is an unlikely one. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if the story is comedy or drama, or if it will end happily ever after. But there is something that keeps us connected, keeps us together. I like to think we’ve weathered enough storms that the future will be all sunshine. That’s unlikely to be true. Life has a way of mixing it up, good and bad all together, sometimes so intertwined that you can’t be sure where one ends and the other begins. But in the thick of it, I know I will look at him, and he will look at me. And we know, we two, what that look means. We know, without words, even without touch, what is passing between us.
So number 32…nothing really remarkable. Except that we made it. And with each passing year, this relationship, with its joys, flaws, sorrows, routines and surprises, grows more rooted in my heart. And through it, I learn, all over again, the lessons of life.
Happy anniversary to my one and only: R.

Happy anniversary!
Thank you! Good to have days in life to celebrate!
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you so much! It is happy, thank God!
Happy Anniversary — and absolutely to be celebrated in every way 🙂
Thank you! It was fun…nothing big, just a nice dinner and a movie. But good to mark the day with a special toast! ~ Sheila
Amazing words to describe an incredible journey. I think it is the comedy in life that balances the drama thrown our way. Aging together with the one you love is not easy but what a ride.