I went for a little ride yesterday. No, I wasn’t at Disneyland or driving some stretch of highway. I was lying on a table in the ultrasound room of the
There’s a song I hear on the radio, “Apologize.” The chorus says “it’s too late to apologize.” I wonder if that’s really true. It can be too late for apology
I grew up in the South. I had grandmothers who cooked; a mom, aunts, cousins, a mother-in-law who are all stars in the kitchen. And I don’t do too badly
Life is complicated. Few things, indeed, are perfect. Certainly no relationships meet that standard. So what does it mean to accept imperfections, or even differences, in another person? And does
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” Mother Teresa “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish
I recently read a book that was amazing. Kitchen Table Wisdom, by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, was first published in 1996. Somehow I missed it when it came out, all those
I was watching a TV show recently and someone used the phrase “a call to excellence.” I can’t remember what the program was about. But the phrase made me think about how striving for
So I’ve been talking a lot about cleaning out, letting go of stuff. I realized this morning that I am letting go of guilt, old plans, old views of
When I was young, in my 20s, I thought I had my whole life before me. I did, of course. I find that is still true, even at the age of 50.
I’ve been thinking a lot about comparisons and contrasts lately. I’m shifting some priorities, and that requires me to evaluate my current line-up. So I’m considering: What is important? More important? Most
Today is Saturday, my one free and clear day of the week. Some weeks, I can be productive in a steady rhythm throughout the day, accomplishing more than I had
I am sometimes asked this at work: do I have capacity to add a new task or project? My answer is always yes (if you’ve read earlier posts, you may