This is a problem money can solve

Tonight we came home from work, and I discovered an unpleasant surprise: the load of laundry I had left going this morning had been washed with a tube of lipstick, and several things were ruined…or at best will only be salvaged with a lot of effort on my part. I think there are a few things that will be total losses. Since we’re in an apartment (for this work stint) that is somewhat sparsely supplied, there were no stain treatments with the laundry supplies. I drove back to the small grocery to see what options were available. I bought four different products, hoping that something would help.

After an hour of rubbing, scrubbing, soaking and working, I had made some progress. Enough to let the things soak while we ate dinner. While we were eating, we talked about our day, Rob in the back of the clinic seeing patients, me in the front, dealing with forms, schedules…the admin side. As I’ve said, I don’t do blood.

The other staff members are great; some of them have worked here a long time. They know everyone, and everyone’s story. I hear bits and pieces, put a few names and faces together. The last time we were here, I got a little taste of clinic life, the up close and personal view you get of patients when you sit at the front desk. But when I was here before, I was primarily training staff. I had limited exposure to the patients coming and going. Not so this trip. I’m working at the front desk, filling in until the new hire starts. It was a convenient opportunity. Rob was already scheduled to work, and it was nice that I could come along, and be paid to be here.

The view is different from the front. For the past five years, I’ve worked in healthcare administrative offices, hospital settings that put me in the healthcare arena every day. But in my role, I’ve primarily been involved with the business of healthcare. I’ve had almost no patient connection. The past few months, working with document management, and now sitting in the front office seat, I am seeing the patient population for the first time.

Of course I’ve known they were out there, real people with real illnesses. I’ve witnessed the healthcare system in a limited way for myself and my family. But we’ve been fortunate, and healthy, by and large.

Now I’m seeing, from a perspective I haven’t had before. Patients come in for everything from colds to cancer, broken bones to pregnancy. They come in all ages, shapes, sizes. This is a primary care clinic. Some patients’ stories are poignant reminders that life is fragile. Some are working the system…what can they get for pain? What diagnosis will get them a trip to a specialist in Seattle, conveniently paid by Medicaid? It is unbelievable, the parade that passes on a daily basis.

There are happy patients, women in for prenatal visits, or young parents with little ones for routine checks. There are older folks who come to be monitored for some condition, but who are generally well.

And there are the others…the ones with serious issues that usually can’t be fixed, or cured, or healed. They have too many complications, too many barriers, and many people are their own worst enemies. I often see references to behaviors that are creating the reasons patients come to be seen. But regardless of cause, self-inflicted or just an act of nature, it is a sad thing to look at people who are broken.

This afternoon I saw a man who is obese, can only walk with a walker, who looked hopeless, almost lifeless. He has a heart condition, but I don’t know what brought him in today. Regardless, he’s in bad shape. Then I saw his wife, who had come to pick him up. She is a cancer patient who had part of her jaw removed. It is unsettling to look at her. I found myself looking away, uncomfortable to see someone who has been literally defaced by her disease.

I sat tonight, eating dinner, frustrated at my own innatention to detail that allowed me to wash a tube of lipstick with the laundry. If I had only checked my pockets! And of course, several things I had recently bought were in that load.

But as we ate and talked, perspective grew. My thoughts cleared, and I realized, in the words of a friend, “this is a problem money can solve.” Worst case, I spend a little money to replace what I can’t salvage. The truth is, I’m as irritated at myself for causing the mishap as I am over the ruined clothes. I get impatient when I do foolish things.

Well, there are enough bumps in life to keep me appreciative of days that run smoothly. But no ruined laundry, fender bender, burned dinner…name your pet peeve…can compete with the sadness of serious illness, life-threatning disease, chronic pain. And so far, I’m blessed to be free of any of those conditions. So with that perspective, a little ruined laundry doesn’t seem too bad. Hey, it’s all replaceable or fixable, and non-essential. I mean no disrespect toward the value of money…I know money, or the lack of it, creates hardship too. But that’s another post. And still, in the big picture, things are just things.

I wish I could say I won’t need to be reminded of this again. But that isn’t true. I’ll be frustrated at some other slice of life in a few days, or a week or a month from now. And I’ll have to remind myself what’s important. Who’s important. And that if money can solve the problem, it isn’t really a problem after all.


  • January 26, 2012, 3:30 am  Reply

    So heart-felt and true…as I worked with Special Needs Kids for 30 years …I was always having to remind myself of what is important, what is fixable and what is meaningful…but, we all have to do this…just be glad you have the kind of caring that enables you to know what is important …but, it’s sure not fun undoing things we do to ourselves…lipstick, crayons, ink to name a few…I wonder sometimes if these happenings are God’s way of telling us to slow down or teach us small lessons…mkg

    • January 26, 2012, 3:37 pm

      Yes, I agree. I need to slow down. When I move too fast, my attempts to be efficient trip me up! And when I’m too busy, I am blinded to the more important issues around me. Thank you for your words! I really admire you for your years of work with special needs children. I know that takes a very generous and open heart. ~ Sheila

  • January 26, 2012, 3:52 am  Reply

    Very good post. We all need to be reminded of what’s truly important from time to time (er, all the time). I should take a screen-shot of your words and post them as my background!

    • January 26, 2012, 3:01 pm

      Thank you Amy! I’m sorry to say, I need reminders almost daily. I don’t see myself as uncaring or focused on material things over people. But the reality is that I am often caught up in the busyness of life and just get distracted by my daily to do list. I am trying to slow down, to be more deliberate and intentional, and to show compassion more, not just feel it internally. This is a recurring theme in my life. “Slow down, you move too fast!” ~ Sheila

  • January 26, 2012, 3:57 am  Reply

    So true. It reminds me of a time – years ago – I was supervisor in the mail order department of a company that sold food products. The weeks before Christmas were almost unbearable – 60 and 70 hour weeks. Customers calling and complaining because they didn’t like what they ordered, or they were sent the wrong product.
    One particular year, a long-time friend lost her battle with cancer on Dec. 17. And I thought about the food complaints: “People, in years to come, you’ll be laughing about what happened to your Christmas dinner one year”.
    It puts it all in perspective.

    • January 26, 2012, 2:54 pm

      You’re right. What a reality check! I too worked in a sales office for several years, and we did phone and internet based orders, and yes, Christmas was always a zoo! The experience of working in that environment has made me a better customer. I never take out my frustrations for any order mishap on the customer service provider!

      Thank you for sharing your story. This is exactly the kind of reminder I had yesterday! ~ Sheila

  • January 26, 2012, 4:00 am  Reply

    Perspective is a wonderful thing and you’ve got plenty of it — great post!


    • January 26, 2012, 2:49 pm

      Thank you, MJ! Some days I have perspective, and others not! But days like yesterday are a great reminder of what is truly of value. I don’t think I’m generally oblivious, but now and then something happens that really makes me think, and appreciate the good things, and have more compassion for those who are struggling. ~ Sheila

  • January 29, 2012, 8:40 am  Reply

    Thanks for putting it all into perspective. We sometimes fret over the little things – like the tube of lipstick that ruined the laundry – then we see the challenges of others and suddenly our own seem small by comparison. I’m glad to know that you are out there helping out with kindness and compassion, even if you don’t do blood. (I don’t either.)

    • January 29, 2012, 9:04 am

      Thank you Renee! I get this lesson on a regular basis…so easy to be caught up in the little things in life and forget that the big picture, the real picture, is pretty good (speaking for myself!) I feel humbled when I see what many are dealing with…how did I come to be so fortunate to be healthy? A stint in a medical clinic can surely put a lot in perspective!


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