
Getting enough love? Or giving enough?

  9.05.2017   Love, Quotes   No comments

I used to wonder if I got enough love. There’s a line in the movie, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, where the main character asks her dad if he

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In this era of easy access to the world through the microphone of social media, it’s often difficult to have a spirit of tolerance for views we oppose. I say

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Nuisance or soothing? All in the framing.

This summer we stayed in a house that was situated next to a stream. The house wasn’t air-conditioned, and even in the temperate climate of Hawaii, it was stuffy without

Simple, not easy

I read a little book recently that made the point that many things are simple, not easy. Habits…skills…resolutions. How is it that I often confuse the two? Simple… Easy… Not

Too busy to choose?

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Today’s Grace

My truth

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Spirit of gratitude

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Bare necessities

I’m wandering around in the little apartment that is a temporary home, looking for things I know I brought over, wondering how anything could be lost in this small space.

The Valley of Indecision

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This is a problem money can solve

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