
Overnight success, one day at a time

Some days I feel like a turtle. Slow but steady is my game plan. Success is on the horizon, if not within immediate grasp. How do you know you’re making

Giving for the joy of it

When my son was a middle schooler, he started pet sitting in our neighborhood. When I asked him about pricing, how he would set his fees, he said he was


You want happiness, we all do. And there’s only one rule for happiness in this world, Sue, and that’s service. Just to the degree that they serve, people are happy,

Mystery of time

“The days are long, but the years are short.” ― Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project I love this quote. It expresses my feelings exactly! My days, though not often stressful, still seem long.

Overbuyer or underbuyer?

I’ve had a different pace this week. After sitting in training sessions all day, by dinner, I’m done. Not much creativity left, and not much energy either. Fortunately, I brought