
Digital knowledge: sharing what I’m learning

Gathering digital knowledge sometimes feels like I’m in a self-taught college class. I spend a lot of time, energy, money, and angst learning about the online world, and trying to

Overnight success, one day at a time

Some days I feel like a turtle. Slow but steady is my game plan. Success is on the horizon, if not within immediate grasp. How do you know you’re making

Four easy ways to access online help

I love this age of easy digital access to so much great information! Social media has it’s downside, no doubt. But there are amazing opportunities to connect with resources, get

No fear!

This site launched last week, and the book as well, and thanks to the generosity of so many on Facebook and Twitter, posting and re-posting my announcement of the free Kindle listing, I

Too old? Absolutely not!

From a recent article in New Republic: Silicon Valley has become one of the most ageist places in America. Tech luminaries who otherwise pride themselves on their dedication to meritocracy