
Eight ways to make dinner time more meaningful

Dinner lands at a strategic point in the day. For most people, the evening meal caps a day of work, school, living on the run, stress, and demands from all

Graduation Day: Welcome to adulthood!

We’re in that season…the season of beginnings, endings, ceremony, commencement speeches. This weekend I’m attending a family college graduation. I was not asked to give the speech. But this is

Do things make us happy?

I’ve thought a lot about happiness recently. What makes us happy? And if we can answer that question, is happiness sustainable? I think a lot of people know the “right”

My truth

Are you a truth-teller? A truth-seeker? I like to think I am. But while there are “real” truths…facts like 2 + 2 = 4, and forces like gravity, that will


I often write about the challenges of life at my stage: empty-nester, part-time worker, full-time budding entrepreneur, wife, mom to young adults, grandparent, daughter, friend. The intent is to share

Love is

Love is many things and comes in many forms. On this day, Valentine’s, there’s no escaping the commercial message. While I don’t get excited about the day myself, (my personal take) there

Imagine – how would you change?

I was catching up on blog posts this afternoon and came across this video of a TED talk given by one of the passengers from the flight that landed in

Heart home

We’re traveling again, on the road for the Thanksgiving holiday. This year we’ll be with family, seeing different ones over the course of the week. Some years we’ve been with

Do you bemember?

We recently spent a weekend in Seattle with Stephanie and Matt and their little ones. I’m enchanted watching Riley and Jack, listening to three-year-old Riley chatter away, and baby Jack’s

Sunday morning praise

Raining today…again…always this time of year it seems. But instead of looking out the window at the raindrops and feeling the gloom seep in, here’s a better way to begin

Happy day

Today is a happy day. This is our 32nd anniversary. Not a particularly noteworthy number; but though the number itself isn’t special, this year had its own markers that make

The Dream, reblogged from 4 Little Fergusons

I stumbled across this post today and had to share it. I know the value of being broken. It changed my life, made me grateful in new ways, opened my